Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday and Tired

This weeks seems to be dragging.  My "To Do" list seems endless with little getting done. 

Martin and Hammie (son and nephew) went to Cub Scouts tonight.  They worked on making their own sleds out of cardboard and duct tape.  I stayed home with the girls so they could study for their social studies test and I could get supper started.

Lindy took the boys to scouts.  She said they had a great time.  When they came in the door both boys came out to the kitchen to tell me all about their sleds.  Lindy took a few photos so they were able to show me.  They were very excited.  Cub Scouts will be planning a sledding party in the future and they will be able to earn a badge.

Tonight's supper was Chicken Pesto Panini’s.  I must say they were yummy.  I did cheat a bit and bought ready made pesto.  I didn't have fresh basil and the price at the store was outrageous.  Adding up the price of all the ingredients caused me to decide that buying it was the cheaper way to go.  I used half the container for all six of us and I put the remaining half in the freezer for another meal. 

I pulled out my panini grill and discovered that it was broken.  I tried gluing it with a super glue but it didn't work.  In the trash it went.  With all the sandwiches made and ready to grill I went to Plan B which was using my little George Foreman grill.  I was able to cook one sandwich at a time but it was worth it.  The next time we make these we decided that we'll try pork tenderloin instead of chicken to see if we like one over the other.

It's getting a bit lighter out now that the shortest day of the year has passed in December.  To the right of this post you should see the latest photo I've posted.  This is a photo of our elementary school's parking lot at 4:00 p.m.  It's not completely dark!  Light is returning!

Have a blessed day,


1 comment:

  1. Well Denise, I don't know if I could handle all that darkness!LOL And I had one of those panini grills here you could have had, if you didn't live so darn far away! LOL But you always seem to make the best of your situations.
    Now I'm off to bed because I've stayed up way to late checking out everyone's blogs!
