Saturday, June 25, 2011

More puppies!

Oh my goodness!  Annie, our Newfoundland dog had 15 puppies 7 days ago!  I certainly don't have to tell anyone how this happened except to say that Annie was secured in our very large eight foot high chain linked enclosure.  For several days a beautiful pedigree Mastiff came acourtin'.  Around the third day of this pining away between the fence we came home from work and found Annie had dug a deep hole and was free.  Needless to say the mastiff fulfilled his need and was gone...leaving no puppy support...only a smiling Annie!

I was about two weeks off on my due date calculations and Annie surprised us last Friday with 15 sweet newborns.  Of course I didn't have any whelping box ready.  In fact she gave birth under the porch.  Bless sweet Margy, my 14 year old niece who spent the entire day and evening under the porch with Annie.  She took just a few forced breaks for a rest and some food and then back under the porch she went to help her Annie.

Thanks to a friend of ours that raised Shelties for coming over and calming us down telling us that everything will be fine.  She gave us the name Newfound Mastiff's the name of this new breed!

They are truly beautiful.  Anyone wanting another love in their life just might want one of these precious pups.  They are black with some having a bit of white on their chest and/or paws.  Three have white tips on their tails.  There are seven females and eight males.

I hope to get photos shortly.

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