This is a before photo of my sewing table. I'm embarrassed to show it but by doing so it also held me accountable to get it clean. I obviously can't even sew anything with it being such a mess. My first line of business was digging under the table to trace the path of the cord to unplug the sewing machine. After that I pushed back the tubs; that have fabric and supplies stored in them back under the table and discovered that I needed to wipe down my machine and the foot pedal. I had not realized until I took a closer look how dirty my sewing machine was. Not just dust but dirt marks and some kind of grime. I got it all cleaned off and then scrubbed the foot pedal. My goodness the soles of my shoes are obviously dirty from the looks of the foot pedal. Now the pedal is clean and the machine is ready to take to the sewing shop for repair. The tension is way off and I'm having no success in getting it straightened out.
Now get ready... here comes the "After" photo..................
Ta Da !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Besides just cleaning the table I actually put every single item that did not belong on the table away where each item belonged. That includes the trash. I will admit that I didn't straighten the things hanging on the wall but my goal was to get my sewing table back in order. My sewing machine, my Viking Rose, is in the shop but my daughter, Evie, let me borrow hers. It's not in the photo but Evie's sewing machine is now on the table and I was able to get it up and running.
It was brand new in its box so I set it up, got out the manual and figured it out.
I'm amazed how settled I am in the way my "Rose" operates. I followed the steps to load the bobbin, thread the machine and get it to sew a straight stitch. Ridiculously the most trouble I'm having is to remember where the release lever is to raise the needle. On my Rose the lever is directly behind the arm. Evie's Brother sewing machine places the release lever on the right side of the arm. I finish sewing and instinctively take my left hand and reach for the lever. I sigh and take my right hand and grope for the lever on the right side.
This is definitely a right-handed machine. Being left-handed is throwing me for a bit of a loop. I am obviously a creature of habit.
Oh yes, I must not forget to thank Flylady for helping me get my life decluttered.
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