Today we had an oil change on the
Toyota minivan. The place we go to is where we stay in the car while they change the oil. One of the mechanics took out the old filter and we heard him say, "What is this stuff?" He came to our car window and showed us a fistful of dry dog food! He and two other mechanics took out four to five more handfuls of dry dog food from the air filter housing. Oh my goodness we were so surprised. They told us that squirrels or weasels will store their food in auto air intakes and we need to be careful that they don't chew ignition wires and other things. The mechanic chuckled and said that we should get much better gas mileage now that the air intake is not plugged!
For goodness sake! We keep our car in the garage which is where our three big dogs eat and sleep. Here these three big dogs, which chase down rabbits and all types of water fowl, are allowing a weasel or a squirrel to take up residence in our garage and steal their own dog food! What is up with that?
By the way, that's my daughter, Evie, holding some of the dog food.
maybe it's a chipmunk or a mouse. that's what I deal with here! I had a pair of boots downstairs in the basement, and when I went to bring them up this winter to wear, I found one boot was full of acorns! No squirrels or weasels in my basement, so I have to figure it was a mouse or a chipmunk!